Tag: spirituality

The Hermit and the World

I’ve been in the Hermit mode maybe a little too long. Long before lockdown. As an Introvert I expressed myself best in writing. Perhaps it was my Virgo Sun and Libra Moon, signs for a deep thinker. I got ever bolder enjoying the feeling of writing with passion. […]

Update May 23

It has been a while Internet. I am holding my head up. I allowed my domain name and WordPress plan to renew because even if I cannot bring myself to write often, I cannot let go of this Blog. Being in my INFP power I am a writer, […]

The Button Castle

I am reading about how our beliefs create our reality and part of me wants to test it out by using my beliefs to create a castle instead of a button. You see Abraham Hicks says it is as easy to create a castle as a button. That […]

Today? Today is Monday!

The scene of the play of life remains very much the same as the pressure slowly increases. There is still water, wind, earth, and ether. Even if some would consider these puzzle pieces a bit dated. When presented with an empty page, I am confronted with a question. […]