Tag: k-pop

The Button Castle

I am reading about how our beliefs create our reality and part of me wants to test it out by using my beliefs to create a castle instead of a button. You see Abraham Hicks says it is as easy to create a castle as a button. That […]

As the water boils…

I am going to cook a simple dinner today, but sat down to write. It is always interesting to consider my relationship to writing along with my relationship to digital art. Halfway it a dream for both of them. The idea that perhaps I could survive with this […]

Comparing K-pop to Motown?

Youtuber, Tay Zonday, compared today’s K-pop to Motown saying, “Maybe K-pop is South Korea’s Motown Era.” After seeing this video months ago, the comparison has been on my mind. Tay Zonday was pointing out that K-pop’s training of people to be Idols is similar to Motown, but I […]