Tag: intuitive

Diverging Realities

The day is quiet again, if you ignore the T.V. on in the other room. My cat Jemma is rolling on the carpet and playing with her cat toys. Today is another day, I guess. I told myself yesterday that I would sit down to write today. And […]

The Hermit and the World

I’ve been in the Hermit mode maybe a little too long. Long before lockdown. As an Introvert I expressed myself best in writing. Perhaps it was my Virgo Sun and Libra Moon, signs for a deep thinker. I got ever bolder enjoying the feeling of writing with passion. […]

Quiet time

I took down my latest post, as it is something that is easy to misunderstand. I got no views on that post, but I have a feeling some started to read it not finishing. I have been quiet a while, absorbing information, thinking. I am the quiet sort, […]


It is difficult to write about the topics I do without alienating a lot of people. A lot of what I write comes off as a religion. When I first entered into a more intuitive world, and started my research, I noticed a lot of people have a […]